The temperature inside the snow room is constant throughout the year, whether in the midsummer of 35 degrees or the midwinter of -8 degrees.
There is a constant temperature difference such as 0 degree snow room and 5 degree snow room depending on the structure of the snow room, but there is no temperature fluctuation throughout the year.
The refrigerator activates a thermostat to maintain an average of 4.8 degrees, causing temperature fluctuations between 10 degrees and -1 degree.
Due to the temperature difference, the cells of the food are easily damaged, which affects the maintenance of the taste.
The snow room is a high humidity environment with a humidity of 90% or more.
Preserving food in humid and moist space prevents drying and maintains freshness.
Snow rooms in low-temperature and high-humidity environments have overwhelming freshness retention ability compared to refrigerators with low humidity, and can be stored in a state close to the original freshness.