Features of ” Yukimuro ” ?

Features of " Yukimuro " ?

1. Constant low temperature and high humidity environment can be maintained throughout the year.

The temperature inside the snow room is constant throughout the year, whether in the midsummer of 35 degrees or the midwinter of -8 degrees. 

There is a constant temperature difference such as 0 degree snow room and 5 degree snow room depending on the structure of the snow room, but there is no temperature fluctuation throughout the year. 

The refrigerator activates a thermostat to maintain an average of 4.8 degrees, causing temperature fluctuations between 10 degrees and -1 degree. 

Due to the temperature difference, the cells of the food are easily damaged, which affects the maintenance of the taste. 

The snow room is a high humidity environment with a humidity of 90% or more. 

Preserving food in humid and moist space prevents drying and maintains freshness. 

Snow rooms in low-temperature and high-humidity environments have overwhelming freshness retention ability compared to refrigerators with low humidity, and can be stored in a state close to the original freshness. 

2. Stress-free aging that is not affected by vibration or light.

The snow room uses natural energy snow, so there is no electric vibration. 

In addition, it is not affected by light fluctuations and temperature fluctuations caused by opening and closing like a refrigerator. 

This state that is not affected by outside is called “stationary (seichi)”. 

It is said that foods left in a stationary state are matured in good condition due to low stress.

3. Changes in taste due to aging.

Among the ingredients that have aged well in the stationary state, there are foods that change the taste. 

For example, cereals such as vegetables and rice convert starch into sugar to protect themselves from the cold. 

This is called the saccharification phenomenon, and the action makes the food sweeter. 

In addition, there are foods that cause a change in taste, such as removal of unpleasant taste and suppression of bitterness. 

Alcohol is famous for its storage in snow since ancient times, but it changes in a variety of ways, such as its mystery and mellow taste. 

In order to clarify the change in taste caused by this snow numerically, we are conducting a component survey in cooperation with various academic research institutions. 

4. Deterioration prevention due to low temperature, oxidation prevention by suppressing breathing.

Food placed in cold conditions, especially those with live cells, will not breathe to withstand the cold. 

This semi hibernation state suppresses food deterioration and oxidation. 

5. Coexistence with nature, use of snow energy.

Snow rooms are natural recycled energy that reuses snow. 

Snow is a troublesome thing to live in, but the idea of “using snow and coexisting with snow” has developed in snowy Niigata. 

About 50 years ago, the development of electric refrigerators has led to the obsolete snow room, which is now being re-evaluated as eco-consciousness increases. 

It is said that using 1 ton of snow reduces oil by 10 liters and CO2 by 30 kg. 

The amount of snow that can be put into one snow room is 400 to 700 tons per year. 

It will be a considerable reduction.